Acceptance of the following policies & procedures are required as part of the registration agreement. All exhibitors must comply with the policies & procedures to participate in the 2025 Kenosha Area Chamber of Commerce Expo. Failure to comply with the below agreement will cause forfeiture of booth(s) without refund.

Event dates/times

Saturday, March 8, from 10:00am – 4:00pm
Sunday, March 9, from 10:00am – 4:00pm


Booth Set-up

Set-up will begin at 3:00pm on Friday, March 7, and must be completed by 7:00pm. Exhibitors who need extra time are also able to come in Saturday morning, March 8, at 8:00am. Set up must be completed by 9:00am on the 8th! Exhibitors have the following access times to utilize the loading dock for setup:

Friday, March 7, 3:00pm – 7:00pm

Exhibitors are encouraged to come early, unload promptly, and move their vehicles out of the loading dock area as soon as the exhibit items are unloaded! Vehicles are not allowed on any grass/snow areas on University of Wisconsin-Parkside grounds! When unloading and loading vehicles, please be aware of all grass areas (even if covered in snow!)


Booth break-down

Tear-down is prohibited prior to 4:00 pm on Sunday, March 9! Those needing the loading dock are asked to have their exhibit items close to the dock before their vehicles pull up to help the loading go more smoothly and efficiently. Remove vehicles from the loading dock as soon as exhibit items are loaded so the next exhibitor may load theirs. All booths will need to be torn down and removed from the Fieldhouse at the close of Expo Sunday at 4:00pm.


Booth reservations

All members must be in good standing to participate in the 2025 Kenosha Area Chamber of Commerce Expo. To ensure fairness to all exhibitors, booth registration will be confirmed upon receiving payment. Your Expo registration will become a contract upon acceptance.


Booth specifications

It is the responsibility of the exhibitor to bring extension cords for electricity.

Basic booth information:
Booth size: 10’ by 10’ area with an 8’ back drape and 3’ side drapes (royal blue and silver)
Table: 8’ covered and skirted table
Chairs: 2 chairs


Exhibit occupancy

Booths are to be occupied by at least one representative during the hours of 10:00am – 4:00pm on March 8 and 9, 2025. Vacant or unmanned booths will be repurposed as seating areas.


Internet Access

WiFi will be available at the UWP Fieldhouse, with login credentials distributed on Friday during set up.


Exhibitor Booth Location

The Kenosha Area Chamber of Commerce will make its best effort to locate competing businesses as far from one another as possible.


Arrangement of Exhibits

Exhibit pieces must have protective covering (plastic caps, cardboard, wood, etc.) on all contact points that could potentially damage the floor. All landscape and similar displays are to have 1/4” plywood covering the floor before setting the display to eliminate any damage to the floor. Exhibits with many loose items must have a protective tarp over the floor to allow for easy clean up. All display fixtures exceeding four feet tall must be confined to the back three feet of the booth area. Please inform the Chamber if a display requires more than 500 watts of electricity; it may be deemed unsupportable on the electrical circuits. Merchandise, signs, props, or display fixtures shall not be pasted, taped, nailed or tacked to booth drapes. Merchandise, equipment, promotional items, and personnel are restricted within the 10’ x 10’ booth area. Displays cannot interfere with neighboring exhibits. Helium filled balloons are prohibited!


Improper Use of Space

Exhibitor agrees not to assign, sublet, or apportion space. Exhibitor agrees not to exhibit or advertise goods other than those sold in their regular course of business. Political campaigning is prohibited on the premises. Solicitation or handing-out of literature is permissible only directly in front of each businesses registered booth. Solicitation in the hallways and outside of the Frank J. Petretti Fieldhouse is prohibited.


Lost/Damaged Items

The Kenosha Area Chamber of Commerce is not responsible for any items which are lost or damaged during the 2025 Kenosha Area Chamber of Commerce Expo. Please ensure that your equipment and supplies are adequately supervised.


Food and Beverages

All food and beverages are to remain in the designated food court area. Food and beverages are prohibited on the main floor of the Frank J. Petretti Fieldhouse. However, all food stores, bakeries, etc. will be allowed to exhibit their packaged product on the exhibit floor. Any food giveaways must be packaged & sealed. A reception area will be available for exhibitors to use as a break room.


Exhibitor Passes

Exhibitor passes are required at all times for admittance during event hours. Exhibitor badges will be available at the Expo entrance on Saturday and Sunday. Exhibitors entering without proper identification badges will be required to pay the $2 admission fee.


Booth Security

The Kenosha Area Chamber of Commerce will provide security during the following hours to protect exhibitor property:

Friday, March 7, 2025 from 12:00pm to 11:59pm
Saturday, March 8, 2025 from 12:00am to 11:59pm
Sunday, March 9, 2025 from 12:00am to 4:30pm



During set-up hours, exhibitors are able to park in any parking lot available. Exhibitors may use the parking lot west of the Frank J. Petretti Fieldhouse to unload their vehicles; however we ask that the vehicles be moved to another location after unloading to allow other exhibitors the same convenience. During event hours exhibitors are required to park in the parking lot west of the Sports & Activity Center or in the Communication Arts parking lot north of the Frank J. Petretti Fieldhouse. The south parking lot adjoined to the Sports & Activity Center is reserved for Expo visitors.